If you are suffering from an infection inside of your tooth, root canal treatment is a tooth-saving procedure that can ease your dental pain and prevent a costly tooth extraction. For root canal treatment in North Brunswick, call our office today.
Endodontic treatment, more commonly known as root canal treatment, is a tooth-saving procedure where the roots or nerves of the tooth are removed due to injury or infection. At Your Expressions Family Dentistry, we perform this procedure to relieve your pain, save your teeth and restore your dental health.
Endodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the nerves of the teeth. Root canal treatment is probably the most notorious procedure in dentistry and the most common procedure relating to endodontics. Despite its painful reputation, root canal treatment is used to save teeth from infection. Most patients associate the pain of their toothache with the procedure itself, but their discomfort is caused by inflammation and infection.
When a tooth becomes infected, it is usually related to the nerves in the root of the tooth. The infected nerves need to be removed to relieve your pain and clear the infection. If left untreated, an infection can turn into an abscess, which is a much more serious problem that includes tooth loss and bone loss in the jaw. Our first priority is to save your tooth and treat your infection to help restore the health of your smile.
Root canal treatment is a relatively simple procedure and can be performed in one visit. During your root canal treatment, we will numb your tooth with local anesthesia for your comfort. Our dentist will use a special rotary endodontic tool to remove the infected nerves and tissue from inside your tooth.
Then our dentist will thoroughly clean the tooth to flush out the remaining bacteria. Once your tooth is cleaned and dried, we will seal it with a dental crown. A dental crown will restore your tooth’s natural look, function and strength.
Rotary Endodontics is a way of performing root canal treatment by utilizing a specific electrical handpiece. This tool often makes the process faster and allows our dentist to perform the procedure with greater ease.
For root canal treatment in North Brunswick, call our office at (732) 297-6111 today. Our friendly and professional dental team is here to ease your pain and get you smiling again.